For the audited full year, net profit rose 5.94% to Rs 1056.58 crore in the year ended June 2010 as against Rs 997.31 crore during the previous year ended June 2009. Sales rose 8.63% to Rs 5078.76 crore in the year ended June 2010 as against Rs 4675.09 crore during the previous year ended June 2009.
Particulars | Quarter Ended | Year Ended | ||||
Jun. 2010 | Jun. 2009 | % Var. | Jun. 2010 | Jun. 2009 | % Var. | |
Sales | 1330.61 | 1145.54 | 16 | 5078.76 | 4675.09 | 9 |
OPM % | 23.52 | 25.96 | -9 | 26.88 | 25.79 | 4 |
PBDT | 323.13 | 323.19 | 0 | 1426.85 | 1443.59 | -1 |
PBT | 249.70 | 256.77 | -3 | 1152.82 | 1191.70 | -3 |
NP | 237.82 | 192.94 | 23 | 1056.58 | 997.31 | 6 |
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